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Mr Koizumi

Mr Koizumi - Green Control 2.5kg

Mr Koizumi - Green Control 2.5kg


Regular price £32.99 GBP
Regular price Sale price £32.99 GBP
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Green Control is an entirely natural water improver that makes anti-algae products in many cases redundant.

Green Control enriches the water with valuable minerals, improves the health of fish, stimulates the appetite and improves colour development.

Green Control increases oxygen levels an can also be used below 10C.

Green Control is free from algicide, biocide, zincoxide and copper compounds,

Green Control is also suitable for swimming ponds and is harmless to humans and animals.

**Green Control is phosphate free**

Dosage 25g per 1000 litres: initial use: 2 times a month (every 2 weeks).

Subsequent use: Once a month.

Instructions- Spread Green Control in the water and distribute evenly over the pond. Do not dissolve in water in advance.


*Only dispose of the packaging  with the household waste when complete empty. Keep out of reach of children.

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